Sundays 10.00 am - 11.30 pm
Sunday teachings are focussed on mindfulness and meditation, with Geshela introducing methods and reasoning to help you develop a meditation practice or strengthen your existing practice.
Tuesdays 7.00 - 8.30 pm
Tuesday teachings involve deeper study of the dharma. Refer to the home page and events calendar for more details.
The word puja means "to please" and has the connotation to please through offerings and practice.
Once a month, going by the Tibetan calendar, either a Medicine or Tara puja, and a Guru Puja practice occur. Please go to the Events calendar for current puja dates.
The Guru Puja lays the whole path to enlightenment on our mindstream, connects us more strongly to our teachers, and allows us to accumulate skies of merit and purifies eons of negative karma.
This is an important practice for all those who have taken initiations.